Monday, May 16, 2011

The Month of May

Today, nothing special happened. I went to work, I came home, gave Pokie a bath and cleaned my room. In fact, nothing that exciting has happened around here for a while- that is if you don't count coming home to the sight of a dead chipmunk head on the front stoop. I guess I should be grateful my cats love us enough to give us gifts...

Hmm. Let's sum up the month of May so far. In a nutshell-
Rachel and her boyfriend went to prom about a million times, and Maryann took 30 million photos.

I did a photo shoot for the Schmidt family the other weekend in an attempt to grow my photography portfolio, and we all ended up getting harassed by an evil nun. This is not an exaggeration. We threw a few rocks in the lake, and she came out screaming and yelling "Shooo!! Shame on you!! I'm calling the police!" She was crazy. This is no lie. It's one of those things that is too crazy to be believable, but sadly it's true. Nuns can be fierce.

A few of my old roommates from UK graduated, and I dominated a cornhole tournament. This is rare, so I thought I'd mention it.

In other news, John (my boyfriend, not my Dad) graduated and got his Master's degree. Pokie began balding on her tail. Matt came home from college and instantly started writing threatening notes on his leftovers in the fridge... and my Dad spent some time screaming at the Reds on TV. Oh, and I started getting really bad allergies. It's a natural part of the spring time for me.

Well, I guess more happened than I realized. And it just thundered. So that's exciting I guess. PS, Hello Elisa. If you read this whole thing, I am incredibly proud of you.